The Orphan Drug Development Guidebook (ODDG)

The Orphan Drug Development Guidebook is a patient focused guidebook that describes the available tools, incentives, resources and practices specific for developing traditional and innovative drugs/therapies for rare disease indications and how to best use them. It can be used by academic, non-profit organizations, small and larger (innovative) biotechs and patient-driven drug developers. The Guidebook currently has two chapters: the chapter dedicated to orphan drug development (ODDG) focused on small molecules or innovative therapies, and a chapter dedicated to drug repurposing (DRG).
More information can also be found in the papers published on the Orphan Drug Development Guidebook, the Drug Repurposing Guidebook and START checklist.

Key Drug Development Milestones

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Orphan Drug Development Cases


Basic case of development of a traditional, well-understood pharmaceutical (such as a small molecule or a protein) targeting a 'sufficiently well understood' rare disease to be registered in EU, US and Japan

  • Assumptions
    • The drug is a well-understood pharmaceutical product
    • There is already a non-negligible body of knowledge around the disease in the regulatory and medical community
    • Patient population is sufficiently understood and non-clinical development is possible (relevant animal model exists)
    • Disease is present in children and adults
    • Funding the development is not a problem, but return of investment might be

Case of development of a highly innovative technology (i.e. advanced therapy medicinal products) targeting a 'sufficiently well understood' rare disease to be registered in EU, US and Japan

  • Assumptions
    • The drug is a highly innovative technology like the advanced therapy medicinal products
    • There is already a non-negligible body of knowledge around the disease in the regulatory and medical community
    • Patient population is sufficiently understood and non-clinical development is possible (relevant animal model exists)
    • Disease is present in children and adults
    • Funding the development is not a problem, but return of investment might be

Case of development of a traditional, well-understood pharmaceutical (such as a small molecule or a protein) targeting a 'less understood' rare disease [i.e., extremely rare, extremely low prevalence, neglected (i.e., complete unmet medical need), scattered diseases knowledge, and no recognized endpoints or biomarkers, pediatric only indication] to be registered in EU, US and Japan

  • Assumptions
    • The drug is a well-understood pharmaceutical product
    • Prevalence of the disease is < 1 per-million inhabitants in all geographies
    • Medical body of knowledge around the disease is negligible
    • Natural history of the disease is little known; no severity or prognostic phenotypes have been identified so far
    • The disease exists only in pediatric patients
    • No biomarkers or clinically-relevant endpoints are available

Case of development of a highly innovative technology (i.e. advanced therapy medicinal products) targeting a 'less understood' rare disease (i.e., extremely low prevalence, scattered diseases knowledge, and no recognized endpoints or biomarkers)

  • Assumptions
    • The drug is an highly innovative technology like the advanced therapy medicinal products
    • Prevalence of the disease is < 1 per-million inhabitants in all geographies
    • Medical body of knowledge around the disease is negligible
    • Natural history of the disease is little known; no severity or prognostic phenotypes have been identified so far
    • The disease exists only in pediatric patients
    • No biomarkers or clinically-relevant endpoints are available

Drug Repurposing Development Cases


Repurposing of an active substance that is well-understood (a small molecule) targeting a 'sufficiently well understood' rare disease to be registered for the new indication in EU, US and Japan

  • Assumptions
    • The active substance is well-understood, and has already been registered for a previous indication, as part of a drug product with specific dose strength
    • The active substance that will be repurposed no longer is on patent
    • The developer doing the repurposing is not the marketing authorization holder
    • The active substance to be repurposed will be used as a monotherapy
    • The repurposed pharmaceutical product makes use of the same mechanism of action
    • There is already a non-negligible body of knowledge around the disease in the regulatory and medical community
    • Patient population is sufficiently understood
    • The repurposed pharmaceutical product is given in the same pharmaceutical form as the drug for the original indication
    • Funding the development is not a problem, but return on investment might be

Building Blocks

Based on a systematic review of websites, literature search and the expertise of the Taskforce members, we have created fact sheets describing each BB by including key information on its use, duration, pros and cons, and among other aspects the TF’s advice on the best time to use the BB. All fact sheets can be found below. You can access to the BB forms by type or by geographical scope, or by type of development (i.e. orphan drug development or drug repurposing).

E101 - EMA Innovation Task Force [ITF]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E102 - European Orphan Drug Designation [EU-ODD]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E103 - EMA Protocol Assistance (i.e., Scietific Advice for Orphans) [EMA-PA or EMA-SA]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E104 - National Member State Scientific Advice [NMSSA]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E105 - European Medicines Agency's Scientific Advisory Groups [SAGs]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E106 - EMA Priority Medicines -PRIME scheme [PRIME]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E107 - Accelerated assessment [AA]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E108 - Conditional Marketing Authorization [CMA]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E109 - Marketing Authorization under Exceptional circumstances [MAUEC]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E110 - EMA Qualification of novel methodologies for medicine development [EMA-Qual.Novel Methodologies]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E111 - Potential for Synergy with Pediatric Regulation (+2 years of Market exclusivity)
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E112 - Paediatric Investigation Plans [PIP]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E113 - Adaptive Pathways [AP]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E114 - Certification for advanced therapy medicinal products [ATMPs certification]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E115 - EMA small-medium entreprizes (SME) office [SME]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E116 - EMA Framework for stakeholder’s engagement – patients, academia, healthcare professionals
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E117 - Business Pipeline Meetings
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E118 - EMA Marketing Authorization (MA) with conditions [MA]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E119 - EMA Initiative for Patient Registries
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E120 - Mechanism of Coordinated Access to OMPs [MoCA]
Europe HTA and reimbursement Orphan Drug
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E121 - European Network for Health Technology Assessment [EUNetHTA]
Europe HTA and reimbursement Orphan Drug
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E122 - EU Compassionate Use Programs [EU CUP]
Europe Early access Orphan Drug
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E123 - European Commission funded programs and resources
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E124 - European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases [EJP-RD]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E125 - European Reference Networks [ERNs]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E126 - EURORDIS’ Community Advisory Boards [CABs]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E127 - European Patients' Academy (EUPATI) toolbox [EUPATI]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E128 - Connect 4 Children (C4C) – Pediatric Clinical Research Networks [C4C]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E129 - EURORDIS Open Academy
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E130 - European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency [EnprEMA]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E131 - Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials [COMET]
Europe Development resources Orphan Drug
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E132 - EU planned cross-border treatments
Europe Early access Orphan Drug
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E133 - Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) Classification [ATMPs classification]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E134 - Joint EMA-HTA Scientific Advice [J EMA-HTA SA]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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E135 - Magisterial hospital preparations – hospital exemptions [HP-HE]
Europe Early access Orphan Drug
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E136 - EMA pre-submission meeting (Pre-MAA meetings) [EMA pre-submission meeting (Pre-MAA meetings)]
Europe Regulatory Orphan Drug
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I401 - Joint EMA-FDA Scientific Advice [Joint EMA-FDA SA]
International Regulatory Orphan Drug
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I402 - Extrapolation of efficacy and safety in medicine development [Extrapolation]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I403 - National Scientific Advice with HTA bodies [NSA w/ HTA]
International HTA and reimbursement Orphan Drug
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I404 - Crowd funding
International HTA and reimbursement Orphan Drug
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I405 - National programs for early access [NP-EA]
International Early access Orphan Drug
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I406 - Tissue Chip for Drug Screening program and Consortium [Tissue Chip]
International Development resources Orphan Drug
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I407 - Data mining [Data mining]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I408 - BBMRI-ERIC - European research infrastructure for biobanking. [Biobanks]
International Development resources Orphan Drug
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I409 - Orphanet database
International Development resources Orphan Drug
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I410 - NCATS and NHGRI Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center [GARD]
International Development resources Orphan Drug
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I411 - Coding of Rare Diseases: Orphanet nomenclature
International Development resources Orphan Drug
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I412 - Decentralized trials  [Decentralized trials ]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I413 - Use of Biomarkers in Orphan Drug Development [Biomarkers Development]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I414 - Patient surveys / Patient Preferences studies / Ethnographic research
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I415 - Development and use of Patient-Centered Outcome Measures [PCOM]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I416 - Compagnion diagnostics [Comp. Diag.]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I417 - Development of product specific bio-analytical assays  [Bio-assays]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I418 - Natural History Studies (NHS) [NHS]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I419 - Registries for Rare Diseases
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I420 - Private funding
International Development resources Orphan Drug
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I421 - Alternative designs for Small Population Clinical Trials [AD-SPCT]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I422 - Feasibility-Patient engagement in trial design and feasibility  [F-P trial D&F]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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I423 - Feasibility-Patient engagement in trial endpoint selection  [F-P trial ES]
International Development practices Orphan Drug
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